Episode 41

Published on:

15th Aug 2023

S3 | Ep 41 | The 4 Key Dimensions to Deliver Innovation and Value at Scale, with Beth Bauer, Founder and CEO at PosiROI

In Episode 41 of Season 3, of Driven by Data: The Podcast, Kyle Winterbottom is joined by, Beth Bauer, Founder and CEO of PosiROI, where they discuss, the 4 key dimensions required to deliver innovation and value at scale, which includes;

  • Why feedback loops are critical to driving innovation and a data-informed culture
  • The importance of meeting people where they are
  • Why value means different people to different people
  • Why value always needs to translate to money eventually
  • How the 1st steps of value creation are unlikely to be related to money
  • Why we need to recognise there are different value points
  • Why having the data culture that we want can create power struggles
  •  The 4 dimensions that underpin the journey toward value creation
  • Why Sales, Marketing and Speed define whether your innovation will be successful
  • How innovation occurs in silos within the same organisations
  • The ADEPT framework for strategies that assist with the acceleration of the 4 dimensions in a data-informed culture
  • Why value of data needs to be measured against the number of use cases it can solve
  • Why trust is the anchor to everything
  • Why relationships will always win over data in building trust
  • Building a high-performance team that creates value with data
  • Why data is a team game and not just a data-team game
  • To build a data-informed culture you need a sales and marketing capability
Show artwork for Driven by Data: The Podcast

About the Podcast

Driven by Data: The Podcast
Designed for Data Enthusiasts to hear from the Data & Analytics industry's thought leaders
Orbition Group is delighted to bring you this podcast series, which is designed for Data Enthusiasts, to hear from some of the most high-profile Data, Analytics and AI thought leaders from around the globe.

Each episode will detail the guests journey to the top while bringing unique insights, drawn from first-hand experience on the industry’s most trending topics.

This podcast was created as a way for our industry's most respected leadership figures from across the world to give back to the Data & Analytics community, by sharing; knowledge, experiences and ideas, to inspire, innovate and provide real-life use cases on the industries most pressing topics/challenges.

About your host

Profile picture for Kyle Winterbottom

Kyle Winterbottom

Founder of Orbition Group, a Search and Talent Solutions business that operates exclusively within the world of Data, Analytics & AI.

I am hugely passionate about enabling organisations to drive decisions and obtain value from the use of Data, Analytics & Artificial Intelligence.

As such, I believe it is imperative that as a community, we share; knowledge, ideas, real-life use cases and inspiration to collectively give back to our industry.

Given my fortunate position of speaking with hundreds, if not thousands of leadership figures within the global Data & Analytics community each year , I feel it is my duty to share the successes, failures, challenges and opportunities.

Therefore, I have positioned Orbition Group to be a facilitator of that knowledge sharing, through these podcasts, events we host and public speaking.